Wednesday, February 06, 2008

the hot seat

Tomorrow is Parent-Teacher conferences at the school.
The only thing I hate worse is the dentist.

Nothing is more intimidating...than sitting in those tiny chairs, across from a teacher, and going over all the homework your child has missed. You know, the homework they should have done ALL THOSE DAY WHEN THEY CAME HOME AND TOLD YOU THEY HAD NO HOMEWORK, and then gleefully skipped off to play.

And the teachers try to be all nice about it. That false hope that somehow it is not my son's fault.

"I may have missed giving him proper credit, if he didn't put his name on it..."

I think I am going to save us all some time and just put it right out there.

Hey, I am aware that my kid is a lazy turd.
You can't get him to turn stuff in, I can't get him to clean his room. Or hit the hamper with his socks. Or, let's be honest...he is incapable of even wiping thoroughly, no matter how many times I have pointed out his own personal skidded undies.

I don't see any of this changing in this lifetime.

He takes after his Dad.


Amy Sorensen said...

Having been on the other side of the PTC table, I can tell you that all the teacher really wants is to know that you're aware and involved. She's probably also wondering what's for dinner in the faculty lounge.

Have you discovered flushable wipes? I'm telling you...they are wonderful in the skid dept. And why does this mostly only happen with boys????? ;)

Peg Graham said...

Acceptance is key....hehehe (snort).

I had the bus driver tell me that Carson spit at a kid who was mean to her on the bus a few days ago....ahhhh, she's a real little princess, eh?

I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

I agree 1,0000% :)
At least you go and that means alot to the teachers.
I think "Good -Karma" comes around when you go and do the things you should...hahahahaha...That's what I keep telling myself!

Hey, I saw your layouts on QVC for the Silhouette section.
I just bought one and I love it to death!!!!

Hey, I miss ya!!