Monday, August 20, 2007

lots to look forward to

Tomorrow the public school system will suck up four of my five offspring.
And really, the fifth one is ready...she knows her alphabet, letter sounds, can write every letter on cue, can skip, hop, knows her shapes...I have seriously toyed with the idea of fudging her birth certificate.

I guess it weirds me out a little to think of all of them gone. Maybe I need this next year to adjust, and make plans for a life outside of being mommy all day.

I am ready for order, and a schedule. Don't get me has been fabulous to stay up late, and sleep in the next day. We have had fun playing board games all night, and making runs to Arctic Circle at 10:30 for ice cream. We have had a full summer. But I am ready to get going again.

Tonight is the school open house, where we meet the kids' teachers. I am an idiot, and volunteered to be over all the room moms this year. Since I was a room mom to two classes again last year, my thinking was, if I am OVER all the room moms, it will be less pressure for me later on? Now I am thinking, what compels me to do any of it? Anyway, I have sign-up sheets for all the teachers, and hopefully I will get a lot of eager-not-yet-burned-out parent volunteers. Crossing my fingers.

Also coming up:

I have my 35th birthday on the 31st.

I mention this for three reasons. One, because you all still have time to order me something fabulous, and get it mailed. (Heh.) Two, because this year I decided that I was going to tell everyone that I met that it was my birthday. Maybe it would make it more exciting? My kids tell the whole world, and they seem to have fun doing it. I am trying it this year. I am going to tell everyone I see. Costco workers, gas station guys, grocery store checkers...everyone. I will let you know how that goes. Then third, I am going to do a few giveaways on my blog that day. Lets call it a BLOGTACULAR Birthday!! <----ugh, and the only reason I call it that, is cause I hate that crap...sometimes on the radio, it is especially bad "Come to our ROCK-TOBER CELEBRATION EVENT!" Rock-tober. Really?

But I will be hosting giveaways. So stay tuned for that.

And let's not forget tomorrow. When you hear a loud scream of joy, and a "SO LONG SUCKERS!!" echoing off the mountains of northern Utah, you will know that is ME, sending the children into the cold, cruel world. Heh.


{Susan...Seriously.} said...

we start school in 2 weeks...only my oldest though...i dread it! and i'm with you on the 35th is Dec. 14th...and for added measure i'll be 7-1/2 months preggers...what was i thinking? happy early b-day, we find out that day if we are having a boy, a girl, or some sort of alien;0) (love the new pic. it is NEW right?)

Anonymous said...

BAWAWHAHAH!!! Good Luck with the room mom thing, This year we had a lesson in sharing. Cassidy was quite upset I was not volunteering my services and bank account. I told her that mom's need to share just like kids. Someone else's mom would probably looovvve to have the chance to be the sucker (oops I mean room mom. Hope you had lots of sign ups!!! by the way your flower beds look great!! I think you should blog about that. tehehe. JENN

Alex said...

Dude... now i have to get you a present... hmmm... something black? Grin.. a karate card will be coming your way.. or maybe a scuba card?

Cammi said...

shaunte, you are hilarious! i can't wait till the kiddo's are in school... good luck on the mother of all room mother job!


Jennifer Sizemore said...

I'm pretty sure I can feel your glee at school starting through the monitor. :)