Saturday, August 04, 2007


(1) This week is mardi gras at our house.

Jayden, our oldest had his 11th birthday (on the 27th) while we were in Maui. What other eleven-year-old blew his candles out with white sands and palm trees in the background?

Then tomorrow, the twins turn eight.
We are all going to be in a costco-cake sugar induced comas.

(2) I bought a blender.

Sam wanted something to mix up his awful smelling protein shakes. That was the beginning. Now I have a freezer full of frozen berries, and vanilla yogurt.
This is good though:

Shaunte's Smoothie
1 ripe nectarine
2 heaping tablespoons vanilla yogurt
1 cup crushed ice
1 packet French Vanilla Carnation Instant Breakfast
1/4 t. almond extract
1/4 c. (or so) milk

Blend well. Add milk to be able to drink it down. Yummy breakfast goodness. Or whenever you deserve a treat.

(3) I got all the laundry done. Knocking on wood.

(4) Working on stuff for HSN, airing August 9th. My stuff, not me.

(5) Both sad and excited that school starts up again in three weeks.
Went shopping and got all the school supplies the kids need. Bought a few clothes, still need a bunch of stuff. Been thinking about all the things I wanted to do with the kids this summer, and how many things we haven't scratched off the fact, we were always going to sit down together and MAKE THE LIST. Sigh.
Not excited to make lunches and get up early and do homework and support fundraisers and attend parent teacher conferences and generally live our lives on a schedule imposed by school bells.
The children will be gone for six hours.

I could drink a smoothie to that.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday's to your kiddos! my youngest just turned 8 ... and my oldest turns 11 next month. are we feeling old yet?!?! lol!

and huge congrats on the laundry! i was just downstairs staring up a few more loads ... not sure why it never ends. lol!

Kay said...

Oops. I tagged you as a rockin' girl, and you've already been tagged. Just ignore me, you popular girl you!

Still love reading your blog. Thanks for the laughs!

Peg Graham said...

Shaunte- Just passing by and giving you a cyber hug. Can't wait until Getaway when I can give you real life squench!

Love the smoothies, eh? me too.

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday to your kids! Enjoy the birthdays!

HSN, that's cool.