Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's still February.

I have been having a hard time coping with the tail-end of winter.
I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), as I am sure 99 percent of the residents of Utah do.
C'mon! It is February.
The snow needs to stop.

So, I haven't been in the greatest of moods, throw Valentines Day on top of that, and you have yourself a recipe for a complete melt-down...
Who in the H thought of that holiday?
It isn't good for anyone.

For those who do not have a significant other, it is "single awareness day."
And for those who DO have a significant other, it is "single-life contemplation day."

If there are a scant few of you who DID have a fantastic holiday, complete with sentimental gifts and heart-felt appreciation, well then I hate you, and I sincerely hope that your fancy chocolates go straight to your thighs.

I spent the whole day feeling sorry for myself.
I still feel sorry for myself.
I feel under-appreciated.
No, not under-appreciated, as "under" would indicate that at some point there was some appreciation.
I feel non-appreciated.
And I don't care if that is a real word or not.

So I am gathering laundry today, and slowing getting over "Love" day.
Mikayla is following me around, chatting non-stop.

I am deep in my own misery, and not really hearing her...
Until this:

"...and mom, some of the kids in my class are getting new babies at their house, and their mom's have so big of tummies! I think they don't know about Weight Watchers."

I chuckled a little and asked her if she knew about Weight Watchers.

"Yeah, it's where you get skinny...like YOU!"

And folks, this is where I smile for the first time in two days, because it is the closest thing to a Valentines sentiment/compliment that I have gotten.

Then she continues...

"...but Weight Watchers didn't do anything for that butt of yours."


Candice said...

NICE! Your little one is hilarious, she takes after you. Sorry you had a rotten day(s)! I hope someone shows you some love soon!

7packofbearss said...

Cameron tells me daily my butt is HUGE! Olivia likes to point out my zits and call them "ooooo uglies" It all makes me feel so loved.

taniawillis said...

i'm sorry shaunte. ((((HUGS)))

Snooze said...

Out of the mouths of babes! What a darling.

You're not unappreciated, we all love you :)

Scott and Christy said...

We decided years ago to not pay attention to V day and the like; it's the only way!

Having read your blog over the last couple of years or whatever inspired me to try WW. Though I'm not having any luck yet, I thank you for sharing what you have about it.

Amy Sorensen said...

I hate Valentine's Day too. I even blogged about how much I hate it. HATE. IT.

Fortunately I had to work, and so it was just a day at work.

Hang in there! Spring is coming! Even though it is still SO cold & windy & wet I can feel it. It's almost here!

laura vegas said...

she's hilarious! and i mean this in the most innocent way ... but i've seen your butt, and it's fabulous! lol!

if it makes you feel any better ... i didn't have a great valentines day either. we just don't do anything to celebrate it here.

Lisa said...

Kids know how to make us smile and cry all at the same time, huh? Sorry about your winter blues...I have trouble with that also. Fortunately, I don't think North Carolina winters last as long as those in Utah. BTW, "mom" is synonomous with "lack of appreciation"...it's in the handbook.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry your Valentine's Day was so awful (mine was non-existent, too), but your daughter is hilarious! Don't feel bad though. It happens to all of us. My 3 yo daughter came in when I was dressing one day and said, "Mommy, you wear panties like I wear panties!". And I told her that yes, I do. Then she replied, "But yours are so big and huge-mongous". She is now available for adoption -just in case you need 2 self-esteem-sucking little girls in your house. LOL

Wendy Lojik said...
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Wendy Lojik said...

I am sorry you are having a hard time. I think Miss M is a little piece of sun shine! She is the very best!

Lora3677 said...

sorry you had a rotten holiday... i spent 4 hours cooking for 20 minutes of stuffing ourselves and then complete the day with falling asleep on the couch and waking up to a very sore and stiff neck... sigh...

Anonymous said...

Your little one is a hoot...gotta love 'em!

DKay said...

funny! my hubby always buys a card and box of chocolate. then tells me that since "I want to lose weight" he will eat the chocolates for me.....
you can log my vote for hating Valentine's Day too.

Unknown said...

OMG hilarious, kiddos are so awesome

Lowe Family said...

We had an early V-day, so when I went to the gym at 6:00 on Saturday and was probably the only female in the whole gym, I couldn't figure it out. Valentine's Day is the best evening to work out, bar none.