Monday, August 31, 2009

37 years ago TODAY!

I came into the world.
"Posterior" is the medical term for my birth position.
"Painful" is the layman's term for my birth position.

My birth would prove to be a foreshadowing for everything my parents had to endure raising me.

I remember during one particularly painful time period, my Mom talking to me late one night:

"If I could just show you your life five years from now, you would see! You would see how quickly that this too shall pass. I wish I could show you...things will get better!"

The desperate cry of a mother, willing her broken child to find hope.

I am glad the crystal ball was broken then.

We laughed later, because almost exactly five years from that point, I was trapped at home with a three year old, an 18 month old, and newborn twins.

I may have committed suicide with a plastic butter knife seeing that scene.

Fast forward a few years...
The kids are less needy.
I sleep through the night.
I have "me" time now.
I really appreciate things, I may even be more mature.
I live a very blessed life.

Granted, everything droops.
I am deep in pre-menopause.
And almost needing reading glasses, or else they have just started printing things smaller...
But life is good.

My Mom was on the right track.
Things got better.
Things keep getting better.

37 is not a bad place to be.

Thanks, Mom.
Glad we both hung in there.


Amy Sorensen said...

Happy happy birthday! I hope it is a fabulous year!!!

I'm 37 too...It is a pretty good age to be. Except for the droopy and saggy bits. ;)

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Shaunte!! Enjoy every minute of it!

Wendy Lojik said...

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Shaunte Happy Birthday toooo Youuuuu! I am thankful that you were born. You are truly a ray of sunshine and inspiration in many areas of my life!

Mag Family said...

Happy Birthday to you! You are on your way to being a cougar. Colton says Happy Birthday also.

cl said...

shaunte i love ya! i hope your birthday is super dee duper awesome! you are an awesome friend and i appreciate your friendship, support and advice over the years!
and now that i have my youngest in preschool, we need to meet up for lunch!

Deneen said...

Happy Birthday To you...
Wish I were still 37!

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday-be glad for each candle added to your cake!!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday cute girl! I wish I was closer to help you celebrate!

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday to you! I love what your mom said.

Steph said...

Happy Birthday!!!

And LOL about the words being printed smaller. It's totally true. As is the pre-menopausal shit. Ugh.

Unknown said...

happy belated birthday!! You look absolutely fabulous at 37! Hell, you look fabulous for 30! Congrats!

The story that things get better really helped today.....I'm looking forward to 5 years down the line when I can look back on this and laugh :)