Thursday, August 20, 2009

Merry Christmas to all the moms out there!

I am not even going to apologize for not blogging.

Hey man, when I find myself "having a life" and NOT sitting in front of the computer for entertainment, it has to be a good thing? Yes?

It is SAHM Christmas today.
I needed to publicly express my appreciation to all the school teachers and faculty who make it possible for me to regain my sanity.

Don't get me wrong, we had probably the best summer in Wadley history.
The pool pass.

I did not ONCE hear any of my kids say "I am bored."
I barely saw them this year.

Anyway, they all went back to school today.

"'Bye kids! Y'all don't come back for six hours, ya hear?!"
Even the baby.
She started first grade.
None of that half-day Kindergarten crap.

I gleefully sent them off, and now I am sitting here.
I have so many possibilities of things that I can myself...that I can't do anything.

This plus the fact that I am injured.

I better back up a bit.

Is my Hog.
It is a pretty sweet 1970's retro "Champ."
I like to cruise around on it.
Sam finally got it all fixed up for me this summer.
I feel like pretty hot crap on it.
It's awesome.
That Hog tops out at about 25 mph.
Nothing like feeling the wind whip through the hairs on your unshaven legs!

So anyway, it needs a new Petcock.
In case you are wondering, a petcock is a real thing.
Here is a picture of my petcock:

I have blogged about petcock's before.
About Sam's petcock.
Maybe one day, everyone in our family can have their own petcocks.
That would make for a great Christmas card photo.

So my petcock is currently faulty.
It leaks.
And every once in a while, I get this random surge of power to the hog.
Well, last night, it surged as I was rounding a corner and I barely stopped myself.
Fred Flinstone like.
While I was wearing flip-flops.

The road took off the top of my toe.

There is going to be a graphic picture next.
Just warning you.
Are you ready?
If you do not like gross and inappropriate things, you are kinda on the wrong blog.
Just sayin'.
Anyway, here are my nine and a half toes:

It blew off my polish even!
The black parts may be tar or bruising.
No one can know yet.
I am not scrubbing it.
It hurt so farking bad that I took four advil and sat in the tub.

With my foot out.

I was in the tub so I could cry in peace, and blame it on the water from the jets.
No one wants to see an almost 37 year old lady bawling from an owie.
It's just embarrassing for all.

So after the Advil kicked in, I went to bed.
I wrapped it with a glob of Neosporine and a pantyliner.
Dude, it was too big of a job for a bandaid.
Don't judge.

This morning it feels a lot better.

But last night, I dreamed that I really wanted to go to the gym, so I put my toe in an old-school 35mm film canister, filled with cotton, and could still work out. YAY!

I am sick.
Who dreams about the gym?
I guess ol' Nine Toes does.

In spite of having only nine working foot digits, it is still going to be a great day here.
I will leave you with the wise words from the folks at Staples who so eloquently sum up my feelings this day:

<---here is the LINK, cause some folks are getting an error code for the above.


Anonymous said...

You seriously make me pee my pants from laughing.

Sherise said...

Ewwwwwwww on the toe. And bwahahahaha on the video. I love that commercial!

Glen said...

I've been having withdrawal symptoms Shaunte, awaiting your next blog! Glad you've had a fun summer. The children here in UK don't go back to school until 7th September but then they don't start summer break until mid July. I do hope your toe heals quickly. Have a relaxing day.

Mag Family said...

Oh my gosh, I bet that hurts like hell. I love the hog, you need to take me for a ride. Well, maybe not. I don't want my toe to do that. Good luck with that. Colton says you do look hot on that :)

Melanie said...

I just want to say that I am sorry that you hurt yourself but that post was THE BEST story that I have heard in a long time. I was laughing out loud at the thought of you sitting in the tub crying and then putting a pantyliner on it. You should be a comedian! Enjoy you day alone.

Heather said...

You are too much ol' Nine toes! Ouch!

Just think - I still have two whole weeks before I can join you in the back to school dance!

Peg Graham said...

Kids back to school and you wind up disabling yourself?

Hey "9 Toes" coming to Getaway?

Kristin said...

I laughed out loud too! I stopped by because I wanted to tell you that your tip on Megan's blog about the backup photographer is such a great idea!

Thanks for the tip and the laugh!

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...


Amy Sorensen said...

I hope your toe is feeling better! The sucky thing about toe injuries is how LONG it takes for the toenail to grow back in!

Meg said...

I sure hope you were wearing your new glasses on that awesome Hog.

Deneen said...

I hope ole 9 toes feels better soon LOL. I understand foot pain just last night I crushed my big toe and ripped the cuticle doing something stupid because I am not patient enough to wait for anyone to help me when I want to move furniture. That video seriously when I was a stay at home mom this would be my favorite time of the year also however now that I work at a school it's my most dreaded time of the year LOL.
feel better soon!

Elder Cooper Smith said...

ditto on the feelings of back to school.
I saw that hog at work one day in the church parking be careful!

3 Boys and a Girl said...

It messed up your really cute pedicure...that just add insult to injury! Sorry :(

Kasey said...

OMG Shaunte you really need to write a book or do a website. You are hillarious! Sorry about your toe. But I am so feeling the Christmas thing. I am so ready for my early Christmas but it won't be here for a week and a half yet. Can't wait to see you in Nov.