Friday, March 23, 2012

I've been gone.

We took off and went to England.
We didn't lose any of the kids in the Underground. (On the Underground?)
We saw Big Ben, and Stonehenge and ate Fish and Chips.
We did it all.
I took about 1,500 photos.
For reals.
I gained 6 pounds.
So I am bloated and jet-lagged, and not really wanting to edit a butt-ton of photos just yet.
Internets, I owe you some posts.
I just want to make sure I am good company when I type them up.

1 comment:

Glen said...

Glad you had a fab time Shaunte. *Ü* I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. I too saw Stone Henge last weekend - whizzing past in the car! ~Glen~