Monday, October 12, 2009

Random Ponderings

1- Why does gravy never re-heat in the microwave?
2- Why do gray hairs always stand straight up on your head like little bug antennas?
3- Why can I never find any of the 151 pairs of nail clippers in this house when I need them?
4- Why are nail clippers referred to as a "pair" of nail clippers?
5- Why do none of the pens in this house work? I have to resort to jotting down important information in crayons. It makes me feel super professional.
6- Why is it that anything with scrambled eggs on it (plate, cup, pan) never come clean in my dishwasher? Eggs? What the crap?
7- How is it that extra-super super glue has a questionable bond, yet cocoa pebbles can form a permanent molecular attachment to the grout in my floor tile?
8- How does my kitchen faucet get so gunky? What is that gunk? (probably salmonella)
9- Why can't I get off my butt and get my house clean? :)


Melanie said...

Girl, I wonder about the gray hair thing too. What is up with the things standing straight up and curling too?

Lisa said...

Gray hair? Who has gray hair? Not me! ROFL!!!!!!

Amy Sorensen said...

Before there was glue, there was eggs for glue. Seriously! And now we have cocoa pebbles for glue. In my house it's a rule: if you don't clean up your cocoa pebbles mess before it dries, you don't get any more cocoa pebbles.