Sunday, January 09, 2011

Braving the Scale.

I finally stepped onto the scale today, after full-on ignoring it during and after the holidays.
Let me preface this by saying that during the holidays, I didn't eat any actual "food."
I ate garbage.
Delicious, delicious crap.
And I liked it!

However, so did my thighs. And my enlarged hind-end. I have noticed extra jiggle in my triceptual area as well.

The verdict: I am up seven pounds.
At 3,500 calories per pound, and seven pounds, that means I ate, uh...too much.
Math is not my strong point.

Apparently neither is restraint.


Michon said...

I am scared! Today is my reckoning day as well! Ack! Apparently we share the restraint gene! :P

Melanie said...

I have gained about the same thing during our latest move and I am trying to count the calories but man is it hard. I like crap too.

Good luck!

Heather said...

Don't even get me started.......

Jenn said...

I was going through my old blog list today and thought of a conversation we had in costco not to long ago. So I clicked, and I feel like a got an early bday present!! Thank you my friend, I will enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

On a whim I checked the old link today and wow! was so surprised to see you are back! love your blog -- you make me laugh out loud. for real.

So glad you are back!


Kody said...

Greaat read