Thursday, July 13, 2006

Totally lost it.

I admit. I am not the best mom. Not the worst either, but sometimes I go postal, and it isn't pretty.

That would be yesterday. I just want to apologize to the neighbors, being summer and all, I am sure my windows were down somewhere, and they heard it all.

I just want to know at what point it is okay to bring Frosted Flakes down to the family room, and fling them all over the carpet and couch? Why are banana peels in the heater vent? Why, for the love of all that is holy, are there always "brown snappers" floating in my toilet? And the worst part about finding the toilet um, things, is that there is never any toilet paper in the bowl with it. Which explains the laundry phobia I have...which is a post for another day.

These are things going through my head as I am yelling at the kids to gather for the "talkin' to." Took a while to "gather" cause all my kids practice selective hearing...learned it from their Dad. All the kids eventually come, with that innocent look on their faces...."who did this?" I say pointing to the Frosted Flakes. Of course, NO ONE did it. Which means someone is yet again LYING to me. Fuel for the fire burning, burning within. (Plus I have been without caffeine, and I think I am PSMing...)

So that, my friends, is when I lost it. Off came the flip-flops. I used them to flog their lying heinies. Saved me some hand pain...."Flap, flap, flap!"

They shifted gears, and got that family room cleaned. They could see I meant business! And I'll be darned if they could hear my flip-flips walking around today, minding my own business, and the very sound of the "Flap, Flap, Flap" motivated them to get their jobs done today.

Flip Flops. A good thing.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your upset. Motherhood is so trying at times.

Anonymous said...

OMG Flip-Flop therapy!



Anonymous said...

OMG-you are too stinking funny Shaunte! LOL!

Kay said...

I will never look at flip flops the same way, Shaunte! LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

Mary said...

LOL, flip flops. I used to use a wooden spoon! At least the flip flops were probably soft. ;)