Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Yesterday was Halloween.

My girls were the only kids in the family that were interested in dressing up this year.
I take that back.
Brendan also went out with friends to terrorize the neighborhood.
He made a half-assed effort to disguise himself.
He pulled out his felt mustache, and some leftover 3-D movie glasses. And a hat.
I didn't get a picture. Didn't really want one.
It was shameful.
My girls dug through our costume closet, and put together this:
What are they?
No one knows.
They just wanted ratted up hair.
I think it is in their DNA, the desire for "bangs to heaven."
They get that from me.
I rocked the 80's.
(With a little "all hail the AquaNet.")
The girls pulled in a lot of candy.
I gave out a lot of candy.
The theme for the evening was candy.

Internets, I have fallen off the wagon. Hard.

I have been very bad with the eating of the candy.
I have talked myself into thinking that candy can be "breakfast."
After all, Snickers contains peanuts, and peanuts are protein.
I ate so many candy corns Sunday night that I was literally sick.
But I kept eating...because the bag wasn't empty....and by golly! I am not a QUITTER!!

Internets, I have a problem.
The candy...it calls to me.
Even common household items are tempting me.
(Please tell me you also see a Hershey Bar and not just a calculator.)

I did the right thing, and went to the gym today.
I wasn't feeling it.
I had a banana, instead of Twix to "fuel" me.
Sugar lows are pretty sucky.
And then the (size 0) teacher started in on how "bad" she was...and I thought "oooh, I might be in good company!"
And she proceeds to confess that she had THREE whole fun-sized candy bars!
Well, shame on her.
I think she may have caught my eye about then, and I do tend to wear my emotions on my face.
She got a real good dose of "are you freaking kidding me," stink-eye with a side order of nose scrunch.
I refuse to be happy for the willpower of others.

She tried to back-pedal, and say she may have even had more...she is not really sure, cause she was so out of control!!

uh-huh. I bet.

So anyway, today, I am having a hard time, what with the candy wrappers all over the floor, and the leftover candy, and the trick-or-treat bags staring me in the face.

I am so happy that Thanksgiving is coming.
I might as well give up, and outfit myself in every color they make:
Belts are not going to be my friend until well after January.


Amy Sorensen said...

They sell those pajama jeans at Target!!! ;) I might need a pair or two soon, as well. *$&#*( candy. And, I really have yet to figure out if the gym rats' confessions of "I feel so icky and bloated because I ate three pieces of candy over the course of the weekend" are really TRUE and they are just willpower superheroes, or if they're just self-disguises because really they ate 37 BAGS of candy??? I don't know.

7packofbearss said...

I keep justifying myself thinking 'I don't want the kids to eat it because then they will puke (something else for me to clean up)' So to stop them from eating it, I eat it. It would be a shame to throw away all that good chocolate!

And I am too busy eating to exercise.

dstandard said...

Always love coming here - always a laugh! Yes this is the season of stretch isn't it!

Heather said...

Girl - You had the big bang down to a science! Gheesh and I thought I had the 80's hair - although I will say that if you had even touched one piece of hair on my head back then the entire hair-do would move as if cemented together - thanks to good ole Aqua Net!

Kara Henry said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who cannot control their face. Everything shows on my face at about 3x the degree that I am feeling it. I have an extremely good "Are you $*#(ing kidding me?" face. I cannot control it, even when I think I am controlling it. On the upside, my default setting is honesty, so that's often good. You never have to guess what I'm thinking. My husband appreciates it.

Also, candy. Good.

April Derrick said...

Love the halloween pictures and I certainly would love to have the hershey bar calculator and the pj jeans!!