Friday, June 22, 2007

face anomaly

So, it's that time of year, here in Utah when the mosquitoes are out in full force.

I woke up yesterday morning, and had a big red dot on my face. (No photos will accompany this post, you can thank me later)
Is it a pimple? Is it a bite?

I am a picker by nature, and had to restrain myself all day. "Just wait" I told myself. And I had to avoid mirrors as to not pick at it.

The day progressed, and when I talked to people, their eyes kept gradually shifting to the dot.

"Oh please...." I thought, "don't let it be festering, or oozing, or WHITE!! Please, please don't let me be walking around with a huge white zit."

But, thankfully it was just a huge red dot. It kinda hurt.

This morning I woke up, and it was gone. Weird.

In other news...I am frantically scrapping. I have 13 themes to create layouts or projects for. They ask that we create 4 projects per, if I am doing the story-problem correctly, that is 52 projects. I am starting on my fourth theme today. I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Peg Graham said...

Heck Shaunte, I would have highlighted the 'red spot' with a black Sharpie and pointed an arrow at it. (but, I'm 'flashy' like that)....snort.

(p.s.- Dar left us tonight. Wendy & I are in denial).