Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just say no.

Today I had an out-of-body experience.

A member of the Bishopric pulled me aside after sacrament meeting and asked me if I would speak in church next week.

My mind said "No."
Followed by a maniacal laugh and a long string of expletives.

My stomach actually got sick.
That "instantly" sick I have only read about, but didn't think existed.

And then, it was like I was floating above my body, (looking at my super-cute new necklace) and watched my traitor mouth tell him "Yes!"

What the crap?
Can I plead temporary insanity or something?
Maybe that is the reason I have gained weight lately too.
Cause traitor mouth waits until I am asleep and heads on down to the fridge for a snacky-snack.

I guess this is what I get for drawing attention to myself with a color-popping accessory like they told me to do in last month's Glamour.

I am going to have diarrhea all week.


Heather said...

Eww.. I'll give it for you! I'm crazy like that! Start taking Pepto!

Peg Graham said...

what's the topic?

You can do it...seriously. Just don't read from a stack of papers...really know it and speak from your heart.

sending Pepto...

Unknown said...

Maybe the diarrhea (had to look up the spelling on that one) will help lose weight? Worked when I had a parasite :-) Just lookin' on the bright side.

Avatar said...

Nice blog, I like the layout, it's simple yet wonderful especially the headline that says "this too shall pass." :)

Kasey said...

You can do it!! I get tummy aches when I am nervous too. Just imagine everyone in their underwear. LOL

Mag Family said...

You need tell the Bishop to save his breath cuz anytime he asks you, you will just say no. Save himself the feel of rejection. That is what I did, and I haven't been asked:)

laura vegas said...

i feel your pain. i always end up agreeing to things ... and then think "what the heck just happened". lol! good luck!

Amy Sorensen said...

You can totally do it!!!! You'll do a great job. And if not, guess what? It can't be worse than my last talk, which I thought would be great but ended up being all navel-gazey and stupid. At any rate, deep breath. Soon it will be Sunday evening and The Talk will be in the past!

Jen Gallacher said...

Oh my goodness! I so know your pain. Good luck! I'll bet you do awesome. You could always speak on the importance of scrapbooking. LOL! ;)