Monday, April 06, 2009

Planning on a good week.

Remember how I quit scrapbooking?

Yeah, well I got a couple of cool, couldn't pass up, offers this last week.
I guess I am like the Michael Jordan of scrapbooking.
I retire.
I come back.
I retire again.
I try another hobby that I suck at.
And eventually I do commercials for Hanes.
Hanes? Call me!

Sam is taking the boys to Moab this week.
Annually, they head off for the hills to participate in Jeep! Safari! Week!
This event is basically an arena to roll your $30,000 jacked-up vehicle down the side of a mountain, with a beer-chugging crowd cheering you on.
But there are free tee-shirts!
Free bumper stickers.
Free Antenna balls.
And one very price-inflated hotel in town.

This hotel has a hot-tub, and a pool.
The whole greasy town comes in off the red dirt trails, covered with dust...and dunk themselves into the water.
By day two of Jeep! Safari! the water looks like Hot Cocoa.

Every year, my kids come home sporting bags of useless free swag, and ear infections.

Me and the girls stay home for a Girl's! Week!
I am anticipating a relaxing, (school sluffing) time.
Free of farting.
Free of Halo.
Free of Justice League.

There will be pedicures, and manicures.
Some fondue dipping and Twilight viewing.
There may even be a trip into the big city to The Mall.

It's going to be KRAZY. With a K.

In other news, I got a new cell phone.
I can't figure it out.
The owners manual is two inches thick.
I have been fumbling around with it, and learning very slowly.
Nothing makes me feel more like an old fart than new technology.
I still default back to my old phone for things like the alarm clock.

And speaking of old fart, I just discovered Malt O' Meal Maple and Brown Sugar.

Thanks to my friend Sarah, who scoured every store in the county to find this flavor, I picked up a box to see what the hype was.
And it is good.
Don't judge me.

Forget Hanes.
Malt O' Meal? Call me. (On my home phone.)


Kim said...

Girls' week sounds awesome. Can I come live at your house? We just finished family home evening and right in the middle of what I thought was an excellent lesson on the meaning of Easter, Mike rips one and, well, that was that.

I may have to try the Cream of Wheat thing-- how many calories?

Peg Graham said...

you're no 'old fart'...yet. talk to me when you need 'readers', you groan when you get up, you get sleepy before dinner, and dinner gets earlier and earlier, you talk about celebrities nobody's heard of (because they died long time ago), age spots...need i say more?

ok...have a fun girl's time.


Cori Henderson said...

I love malt-o-meal too. I like the chocolate kind when I'm pregnant, in fact I haven't had it since I was pregnant with Sierra. Have a nice girl's week. Sounds fun.

Shannon said...

I love reading your blog. You make everything funny!

Wendy Lojik said...

Me too;)

Amy B. said...

we're doing a slumber party for nine nine year olds on friday. Your party sounds better.

We eat a lot of oatmeal in our house. Sometimes I make it maple and brown sugar flavored just to be fun. Next time you can't find a box of your new flavor of MOM, just add some Mapline (sold next to the vanilla) to the original flavored MOM. Voila! maple flavored. ;)