Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Canada Episode I

I have been editing away, and figured I would break this trip up into smaller, more digestible portions.

Here is the first photo I took of the trip:

I was just so excited we made it to our destination!
Sometimes you don't get that luxury flying stand-by.

My sister-in-law Molly, and brother-in-law Clay and their little family were still trying to make it to Canada.
They were flying on buddy passes, the ugly red-headed step-child of stand-by flights.

It took them an extra couple of days to finally see this airport.
Molly was our events coordinator.
Since she wasn't there, we went out on our own this first day to The Citadel in Halifax. Molly had already been to the fort, so we figured she wouldn't really care to go back.
The fort was built in the 1800's to protect the port.

They have reenactments of military drills in the fort.
They wore clothing that was historically accurate.
It was hotter than the blazes of hell.
I felt bad for the poor sweaty guys in wool.
Love me some bagpipes though:

And some fine looking young gentlemen sporting skirts:

They say real men wear pink.
Skirts I say!
Show me a guy who can pull off a skirt, and I will show you a man who is secure in his manhood.

This photo is a first in a series of photos I like to call "the back of my family...as they are WALKING AWAY FROM ME."
Leaving me packing the 50 pound camera/granola bar/water/jackets bag.

Hey...don't worry about me.

Have a fun trip!

If you need anything....you know, like a granola bar/water/jacket...just let me know.
I am right here.
Under this 50 pound bag.

And if this next shot is a little blurry, it is because I wasn't expecting these dudes to actually FIRE! the cannon.
It scared the poop out of me.

At least I didn't tumble down a grassy knoll...

Apparently that is problematic enough at the Citadel that they commissioned special signs.

One of the things we loved about Canada was the good candy.
Seriously, Canadians have it good.

My kids were ALL OVER the Kinder eggs.

I know they have them in Europe too.
They are chocolate eggs, filled with a smaller plastic egg that contains a PRIZE!
It is two, TWO! two treats in one.

What is in this thing?

A cheap and easily breakable (or lost) TOY!

And what is in yours, Mikayla?

A puzzle.
Well, dang.

You could've had this:

A Coffee Crisp.

The greatest invention since...well, ever!
And Aero's are not too shabby either.

Then we drove back to our hotel.

We went swimming in the hotel pool/water slide:

And went to bed.

That was the first day in Canada.


Snooze said...

What a great day ... and I'm loving Canadian candy. It's the same as we have in Australia and I'll be in Canada in only one week myself! Woo hoo!

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

Looks like so much fun. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Cindy said...

If it would have been me I'd have left my clothes there and packed the whole suitcase full of Aero bars!!! I remember something similar here from when I was a kid-yummy

Jenn's mom said...

shaunte, love reading your blog. anytime you need a serious chocolate fix, i can hook you up big time!!

nanci said...

I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog (I linked from Marcy's blog). I'm in her ward here in MA. My family is headed to Nova Scotia next week for vacation. We'll be driving to Maine and then taking The Cat over. Thanks for sharing with us.