Monday, November 27, 2006

I shouldn't laugh

I need to preface this post with an embarrassing nugget of personal information.

I will always ALWAYS laugh if someone gets hit in the head, or otherwise hurt in a funny way. I will feel bad too...oh yes, and help if I can, but most likely I will have to turn away for just a minute or two to compose myself.

It is so embarrassing, you know, for instance to watch your uncle hit your grandma in the head with a basketball during a family Sunday afternoon game...and laugh, hysterically. It is almost as though time slows down for me, as part of this impairment. I see everything in detail...her big boofy hair driven back from the force of the ball...the incredulous look...the glasses askew...
In spite of the withering looks from other family members...I can't help myself.

Most of my sisters have this same problem as well. Growing up, when one of us crash landed on a bike, or caught a snowball to the head, at least we knew it was worth a laugh.

So I went to the gym the other day.

I have mentioned before that my gym has a cardio theater. Large, dark, almost cold...with a huge screen, and they play pretty recent movies that rotate. The room is chock full of cardio equipment. For the past few weeks, I swear, they have played without fail "The Rookie" when I go in to do my cardio. Any show would be tolerable...except that one. I don't know why, but it really bugs me.

So I turned around and walked out. Big mistake.

Put my iPod back on, and did the cardio out in the gym while half-heartedly watching "Good Things Utah."

All of a sudden, all the personal trainers go running back to the cardio-theater. They come out, swarming around this girl in a rumpled purple suit, hair flying everywhere, sort-of half-carrying her. I am wondering what the H happened? So I finish my workout, and ask the girls working the daycare when I pick up Mikayla.

Apparently, another girl was running on the treadmill--full bore. Left it running to go get a drink.

Unsuspecting purple suit girl comes in, sees the open treadmill, and steps on it.

It FLUNG her three feet.

I missed that!!!?

That would have been worth suffering through "The Rookie" yet again.


Lorrie said...

My initial instinct is to say "how mean!" roflmbo!!! But I have to say it's definitely a Funniest Videos sort of scenario isn't it????? lol!!!!!!!!1

Shantay said...

Bwahahaha!!! I also laugh at inappropriate times...and I can't stop!

My question the heck could she not tell that it was on and going full blast?? Goodgrief!

Anonymous said...

ROFL! I don't know how I would have reacted had I been there - but oh, that is TOO funny.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit that i would have loved to see something like that! now if only it had been "perky girl" from a few weeks ago! lol!