Saturday, March 01, 2008

Just overheard...

My oldest son, Jayden and his Dad got back this afternoon from the Klondike Derby.

It's a winter Boy Scout campout for those of you who have been living under a rock.

My second oldest, Brendan was bummed about not being old enough to go.

Jayden: "My gosh! I can't believe I was only gone for ONE DAY, and you guys totally bombed the playroom. I can't find any of my stuff!"

Brendan: "Well, Mom didn't take us anywhere for fun while you were out camping with Dad. We didn't have any fun. None!"

Jayden: "At least you didn't have to sleep in a tent with Dad after he ate chili."

Beavis and Butthead laughter.

1 comment:

laura vegas said...

they should talk to sarah ... apparently her mom (meaning me!) didn't do anything fun with her today either! lol!