Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stupid Sugar.

We all know that I have fallen off the wagon on the whole watching my weight thing.
Not so much fallen off the wagon...more like the wagon keeps driving by candy stores, and I cannot stop myself.

So needless to say, I am up three pounds.

I am not happy.

I want to be able to eat everything, and in large amounts. Like my kids.
I am not sure what happens as you get older.

I am back on points this week.
And next week.
And however long it takes to dump my extra few pounds.

I am realizing that this will never end.
Unless I get a TAPEWORM!
Hey? Anyone ever tried one of those?


Lora3677 said...

i hear ya... i did WW 5 years ago... lost 45 pounds and I've gained 30 of it back.... sigh... tapeworm sounds like a plan for me, too

7packofbearss said...

Jared had a tapeworm on his mission. He said they are kind of nasty to get out but he lost a lot of weight! It could be the new diet fad.

Shannon said...

Why don't you try the tapeworm thing out first and let us all know how it goes.

All8 said...

One of DH's companions on his mission had a tapeworm and he could eat ANYTHING and a LOT of it. The older I get, the more appealing it sounds, for weightloss purposes only of course. There are probably so pretty awful side effects though. Sigh.

But really, 3 lbs. Relax, do your points but quit sweatin' it. Unless of course you mean that your going to reawaken the Ponica within. ;)

Deneen said...

Hey when you find the tape worm distributor let me know ok? LOL

Rachel said...

If you figure out the tapeworm thing I am sure you could make a fortune spreading it around the gym...ha ha! Don't even get on a scale until after Jan. There is no point. Rach

this nonsensical mess was brought to you by jannah. thank you. said...

i got worms and lost 40 pounds in a month. but i was deathly pale and sick allll the time.

not worth it. especially when you stand up and find them squirming around the toilet bowl.