Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Fridge

I cleaned out my fridge this weekend.
If you are wondering why this merits a whole blog post on its own, then you must have a maid.
Cleaning the fridge ranks right up there with potty-training in grossness, but trumps potty-training because unlike potty-training IT NEVER ENDS!
I put it off until it instantly reeks up the house when you barely crack open the fridge, or until one of the kids are in so much trouble that I make them do it as penance.

Well it fell on me this time.

I had a head of cabbage in the crisper drawer that through the magic of science had completely liquefied.
This was perplexing.
I am not a chemistry major, but that is not what happens to cabbage when it is stored in my stomach. When I eat cabbage, it skips the liquid stage and converts straight into a gas.

I am wasteful.
I have been known to toss full tupperware containers straight into the trash, without even cracking the lid to see how bad it is.
I figure when you can buy a new set of crapperware from Satan's Warehouse for $14.97, it is not worth the attempted salvage.

Our fridge is also stupid.
There is this little button, that you can accidentally switch from "Fruits and Vegetables" to "Meats."
When the "Meats" setting is on, anything you put in the bottom crisper bin freezes solid.
Unless you are a serial killer, I am not sure why someone would want a meat bin in the fridge.
Newsflash! That other door on the appliance opens up to this thing called a "freezer" where you can put your frozen foods.
We frequently have rock solid Grapefruit ice balls because someone inadvertently flipped that switch.
Another stupid thing about my fridge (there are many) is the ice/water dispenser bottom tray.
I can't believe I am going to show you this.
We are all friends, right?
Look how grotty those dispenser are! And the bottom tray?
I stopped drinking water out of our fridge long ago, because of that tray.
It just screams "Welcome Giardia!"
Look, you guys:
So gross. I am literally cringing.
(Hi. We are a truck stop bathroom!)
And before you start hurling....your cleaning tips at me....(see what I did there?)
Know that I have used everything on the tray o'germs.
Magic clean (just rolled up into gritty balls.)
Soaking in vinegar (stinky, but ineffective.)
Soaking in bleach (made it a little whiter, and then two days later it looked the same.) (Also the bleach spilled a little and ruined a dish towel. At least I know the bleach was good.)
Straight up Ajax (nada.)
I have run it through the dishwasher on multiple occasions. (It survived the cycle with grime intact!)

Whoever invented this thing- I would like to punch them in the neck.
The tray, and also the flapper things that dispense the ice and water are textured with this chalky finish.
We have hard water.
And that texture is just a breeding ground for grossness.
How can filtered water be dirty!? How?
I would expect this from my shower drain, but clean water?
I don't get it.
If people ring the doorbell, in a blind panic, I rush for the fridge tray, pop it out, and quickly huck it into the dishwasher to hide it.
What if they ask me for a drink?
I hate that tray.

The inside of the fridge is clean.
I am happy to report.

So we went to Costco Saturday, and I filled it will all kinds of good-for-you treats.
Remember my last post where I hated myself for eating junk food?
I tried to be prepared this week.
My sparkling clean fridge now houses things like celery hearts, clementines, Greek yogurt and hummus.

I have learned that my cravings are in direct proportion to the "snacks" I have on hand.
Nothing makes you crave carbs and sugar more than having a fridge full of health.

I made chocolate chip cookies today.
We ate them all.
We drank milk. (Not fridge water.)
(By "we" I mean "I.")
The End.


Amy So said...

Have you tried Limeaway for your little grate on your fridge? That's what I use on mine. It gets it really clean, although i feel like I'm single-handledly destroying the environment when I use it. But my grate thingee is clean!

Beth Hallgren said...

We have that exact sme fridge and the same problem!!! Happy to report that the ice and water thingy stopped working and even my "Mr. Fixit" husband can't fix it. Scraped the crud off that $#*@% tray and just rinse it once in a while when it gets dusty!

Sarah said...

Bar Keepers Friend. I use the liquid cleanser. My mother sticks with the powder. My fridge is black. I let the soak on there for a bit and then wash it with a sponge. Magic.

Marlene said...

I too have the same fridge and super hard well water. If you think yours is bad you ain't seen nuthing! I use that cute little pampered chef knife with the white handle to scrape mine out. It might ruin the finish but its a terrible finish anyway. Now I am feeling guilty about mine and have to go clean it!