But the suspense is killing me. And so....With great pleasure I bring you, my upstairs guest bathroom decor:
Who can resist the festive poinsettia fabric, festooned with battenburg lace? And pray tell, how did they know that a dust-ruffle for the TUB was *just* what I never knew I always wanted.
Genius. Sheer decorative genius. And all 23 pieces for the low, low price of $39.99.
Get your credit cards ready....
Edited to add: You know I am being sarcastic, right? That this selection of ruffle-vomit is not really my style. And I am thinking also of all the gross molded crap my kids would have stuck and hidden in all the crevices of these velcro beauties the first 20 minutes they were hung up, if indeed they were attached. Pottery Barn e-mailed me this morning and threatened to pull my catalog subscription if I was serious, hence the clarification.

Well, you aren't the first, because I already have it in yellow. Neener neener.
Ohhhh! I love it. I am in the process of "contemplating" a re-do on the guest room bathroom. Something like this is exactly what I have in mind. But don't worry, by the time I get around to my re-do, you will probably be shopping for your own update and re-do. I'm notorious for procrastinating this sort of project.
A dust ruffle on the bathtub. yeah, that wouldn't get very mildewy or gross.
oooh is that from the new Fingerhut catalog? how exciting. ;)
ROFL...I was all like no...say it ain't so!!
***Sorry to anyone who may love this and *shiver* have it in their bathrooms.
Hey I was just looking at this for my gest room (Yah right!)
I think the battenburg would look great with green fuzz dont you?
Rox -
Okay, you are seriously one funny chicka. I LOVE this set! Thanks for showing me!
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