Thursday, November 15, 2007

an answer to my infrequent prayers

I went off the Dew a few months ago when I started Weight Watchers. Then I moved on to diet soda, which to be honest, tastes like butt. The only one I like is Diet Dr. Pepper, and even it was getting old. So I have been BFF with bottled water.

Sam and I have had many arguments over my bottled water. He thinks it is silly, that we have a water/ice dispensing fridge, and WHY? do I need bottled?

I dunno. But I do.
I have been really tired lately. And unproductive. And tired. And then, whilst in the neighborhood Walmart, in the Crystal Light aisle, I heard a choir of Angels, and I beheld:

You add it to your bottled water, in individual packets.
It's sugar free.
It's zero calories.
It's non-carbonated.
It tastes okay.
But it has caffeine! So I am no longer all day, dragging my butt around like a sack of forlorn potatoes.
There is a spring in my step!
A smile on my face.

And I am still Weight Watchers approved...


Lee Weber said...
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Lee Weber said...

don't make me ask you how you know what butt tastes like... ;-0 have your tired diet coke with lime? YUM.

Lee Weber said...

I can't type- I really can spell, though..

have you TRIED diet coke with lime?

Sara said...

Tastes like butt! HA!! You said butt!! hehe!!

(Sorry I couldn't help sound like those STUPID teen movies!!)

Anonymous said...

I am trying SO hard to give up the soda, per the MD's orders (meaning, not just because I'm fat, but because the carbonation makes me a little crazy). It is SOOOO hard. Add the fact that nutrasweet makes me GAIN weight---lovely metabolism I have!---and I am left with just about, oh, water. Sigh. One thing that's helped me is I bought some cute 32 ounce water bottles at Target, the kind with a flip-lid that's a straw. I keep them filled, with a lemon slice in the bottom, so I can see that I'm drinking water. That helps. A little.

But ever day from noon to about 4:30, I have to talk myself out of that Pepsi. Plus, I really miss all my friends at Holiday!!! ;) GREAT JOB on sticking to the no soda thing, your DH should be proud!!! (and sorry this got so long.)

Anonymous said...

I have seen that at the store haven't tried it yet. I really need to get off the soda too. Will need to try it!