Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My last tagging. I mean it.

I was tagged. Again. Which reminds me, I never did get that Treat Ghost this year, that usually makes the rounds in our neighborhood.

Being blog-tagged is sort-of like the chain letters of the 80's. The ones that if you broke the chain your leg would fall off or something, but if you kept the obligatory annoying copied to death thing going, you would find your fortune in a long lost relative. Or get to level 12 of Frogger.

But since my blog has been devoid of anything interesting lately (as has my life) I am participating. But this is the LAST TIME people. The last time I am playing Tag.

Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself (some random, some weird).
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Link to Tagger:

Peg Graham http://pegola.typepad.com/

Here are 7 "quirky" facts about me:

1. I don't like to mix chocolate with fruit. I don't care how good your chocolate covered raspberry sticks are. I don't like them.

2. I don't like to touch food. As a result, the dishes do not get rinsed when I load the dishwasher, cause that would mean I have to scrape the plate off. Sam has taken over this duty, cause my way grosses him out.

3. I am still rooting for Britney Spears.

4. I hold my breath when I weigh in at Weight Watchers, like somehow the extra oxygen in my lungs makes me lighter...(?)

5. I hate people ringing my doorbell. My good friends know to just walk in and find me...it annoys me to drop what I am doing and have to answer the door.

6. I have always wanted to take a ceramics class and throw clay. It looks so relaxing...

7. I miss my Grandma Hunt and my Grandma Alavon, especially during the holidays.

Here are my 7 friends (if I have 7) that I will pass this along to:
Laura V. http://lauravegas.typepad.com/
Laura M. http://lauramendoza.blogspot.com/
Ashley http://ashleygailey.typepad.com/is_this_thing_on/
Candi http://www.thentherewere5.blogspot.com/
Wendy http://scrapsampler.blogspot.com/
Ursula http://ursulacpage.blogspot.com/

These are the girls that need to update their blogs ThankYouVeryMuch. Get on that.

And YOU! If you are reading this, and in need of blog fodder, then please, consider yourself tagged. And if you don't want to be tagged, I get that.


Anonymous said...

"level 12 of frogger" ... that cracked me up! lol!

ok ... i'll play! but i'm with you ... let's break this tagging chain! because i swear i just did this one ... and yet it keeps coming back to haunt me. lol!

Anonymous said...

I love the little bits of information from the recent tag and I am with you about the ringing doorbell LOL

Alex said...

I was tagged but i'm breaking the chain... i like to be a nonconformist! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wendy's boobs are now going to fall off...I'm just sayin'.
