Saturday, December 01, 2007

I am done Christmas shopping.

I went out this morning.
It was snowing.
I had to scrape the windows and mirrors of the car.
I used a piece of junk mail, cause I can never find what I need when I need it.
The snow was blowing side-ways, and then it was melty when it hit the windshield.
My mascara was already running down my face.
It was cold.
Very cold.
I went to the first store.
I could not find parking that was even in the same zip code as the store.
I stepped out of the car, and into a big slushy pile of ice cold water.
The window scraper fell out of the car.
Apparently it was hiding under the seat.
My shoe was wet for the rest of the day.
It made me cold.
I remembered how a couple days ago I was on a beach in Mexico.
It made me sad.
And then mad.
And then sorry for myself.
So I got back into the car and drove home.
I changed into pajamas.
And warm fuzzy slippers.
I got on the computer.
I loaded up my cart online.
I gave them a credit card.
I hit send.

And I am done shopping.

I just love being a woman of the 90's.


Mickey Family said...

NICE!!! Isn't it great to be done???
I LOVE online shopping!!!! Although it is quite easy to rack up a huge bill without much thought.

Anonymous said...

...and another online christmas shopper is born!!! (That's exactly what I did. Love me some internet).

holiday hugs!

All8 said...


Vee said...

you go girl!! :)