Well, Sam loved me enough to allow me to take with me his baby.

He loves this flashlight.
Truth be told, he has this really weird obsession with flashlights.
He has the Maglite.
The mini-Maglite.
The grande deluxe Maglite.

(Don't you be making fun of the headlamp, it's actually nice to be hands-free. The function over-rides the stupid factor, much like the fanny pack.)
In fact, he had an entire secret cupboard in the house full of flashlights.
I told him I needed a flashlight for camp.
And he grinned ear to ear.
He askes me what I would be using it for.
What type of conditions?
Did I need LED?
How far did I need to see?
Do I need an adjusting beam?
I was confused.
I told him that I would just grab something at Dollar Tree.
I just needed to be able to find the bathroom in the middle of the night.
He looked like I had just sucker-punched him to the groin.
He opted to sacrifice and send me with the Mercedes of all Flashlights, and then he proceeded to call me, and check on it every night.
"How's that thing working for you?"
"I bet everyone has flashlight envy..."
So in honor of the Flashlight of the Gods, and Sam's weird nagging, The Leatherman Monarch 500 (available at Costco if you want the man in your life to pee his pants in delight) is my "tool of the day."
guess he really loves you to entrust you with his most beloved flashlight. lol! i'm not even sure we have a working flashlight in this entire house. lol! and what we do have are probably all dollar store finds too!
Oh my gosh! I can't get that song FLASHLIGHT out of my head now! bwahahaha!!!!!
btw...You asked for the 'recipe' for Pero-ccino on my blog?
For 1 cup: (double for 2 cups)
-1 heaping teaspoon Pero
-1 cup Milk
-A good squirt of Hershey's Syurp (no need for sugar or substitute, since the syrup adds enough sweetness).
Froth/Heat and enjoy!
I meant to post under my blog info....oops.
Flash Light by Parliament
see link:
FLASHLIGHT....it's alright!
Flashlight envy!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You go camper!
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