Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It's a good time.

Last Saturday night I got into a brawl with my 12 year old.
It was more of an: "I hate you" fight, with some pushing.

Totally pre-teen hormones + he was tired.

But I can't help but think that I picked a stupid time in my life to lose forty pounds.

I could use the extra weight to throw around.
Plus, I bruise easily.

Of course we have made up, and he is very pleasant.
I am sad I missed the deadline for football, as he could obviously use someone his own age to knock him around a bit.

Ahhh, so excited to be a teen mom.
Please send advice.
And Advil.


Anonymous said...

One thin I would have quoted a movie line to him..'cause I seem to always take refuge in other people's words.
(Debra Winger-Terms of Endearment)

"OK, you're allowed to say one mean thing to me a year. That'll do until you're 10."
(in your case 14).

HUGS Girl...

Anonymous said... my blog. Do you have any advice for me?

Kristin said...

wait until he's taller than you!
my advice? medication. not for him, mind you ...