Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day Haiku(s)

Mother's Day is work.
Plan, shop, cook--dress kids for church.
While Dad takes a nap.

I have never had
that perfect Hallmark Sunday
bet I never will

Mother's Day is crap.
But I like sticky kisses
and the homemade cards.

It's a reminder
of just how lucky I am
to have five to love.

Edited to add:
Sharyn my scrappy friend added her own Haiku in my comments shortly after I posted. I LOVE IT!
Here it is:
It should be a law
no rain allowed on Mom's Day
kids indoor is mad

Which makes me think...YOU should add your own Haiku in the comments. I know you have one brewing...about your own Mother's Day.

Hit me with it.


Sharyn said...

oooh, I might have to take a cue here.

It should be a law
no rain allowed on Mom's Day
kids indoor is mad

laura vegas said...

how funny ... alyssa wrote me a haiku poem for my card. lol! just a plain day here too. joe slept all day (although he does work nights, so it's a given) ... and i did laundry, yardwork, and took care of the girls. someday we'll get that perfect mother's day!

Anonymous said...

as I take my Pill
glad you moms are on the task
I couldn't do it

Anonymous said...

Last year got magnet
But Daddy learned his lesson
Roses and jewelry

Steph said...

lol! here's mine:

burnt breakfast in bed
don't even get to eat it
it's their day, not mine.


Mirm said...

Got my mother's day card from my son which asked him "Your mom is so smart because"..... His response was, because she knows when the last day of school is. And that is why I stick around.

Peg Graham said...

handmade cards
children's soft kisses
Mother's Day is defined.

Mag Family said...

My kids are extra whiney on Mothers day! I think it is because the attention should be on me, but it never is.

Janet O. said...

husband was working
rain, cold, yuck and grumpy kids
drank a lot of beer

(OK, i didn't really, just two)

Kristin said...

dinner with the in-laws
and cooking then dirty dishes
where is my soda?

Cori Henderson said...

Mother's Day is over rated. I always expect big things but just get disappointed. No breakfast in bed, no break from cleaning up peed in pants and poopy diapers.