Saturday, January 10, 2009


I did Yoga for my first time on Friday.

It was a pretty low-key class, it was free at the church.
There were approximately seventeen toddlers shrieking through the gym during class.
The sound reverberated off of the basketball banks, and nearly drown out the teacher.
I was even on the front row.

The class was only a half an hour long.
In that half an hour I was called:
A Cat (not a cool cat, just a plain old mangy flea ridden cat)
A Downward Dog
A Facing Dog
A Mountain
and a Cow.
Oh, and a Corpse.

The "Corpse" was aptly named as it was some sort-of "resting pose" directly after the teacher asked us to sit Indian style, and wrap our legs around our ears.

We had to hold this for a minute breathing deeply, and thinking of cleansing thoughts while trying not to get hit by the flying matchbox cars winging across the gym by the children.

It was kinda nice to curl up in a Corpse after that.
I might try that at home sometime.

"Oh man, Mom is in her Corpse, we better go make our own Ramen's."

Did I feel better?
I don't know.
I am not flexible, so there weren't a lot of moves I could actually pretzel myself into.
It did give me time to notice how gnarly my toes have gotten, being all cooped up in shoes up for the past few months.

Pedicures on the Saturday agenda.


Kim said...

It's not exercise- it's someone's big joke.


Watch-out for that downward dog thing. Especially on chili night.

All8 said...

I enjoyed Yoga. Of course there weren't any toddlers there though. Is it possible to have a nursery organized just to keep the Yoga class as quiet and peaceful as possible?

Good luck!

Amy B. said...

you make me thankful for my Wii Fit yoga. ;)