Monday, January 19, 2009

Just to clarify.

I hope most of you understand my personality enough to know that I am very sarcastic, and was being sarcastic while I was poking fun at Yoga.

There are some redeeming factors to Yoga.
I still do Yoga. Every Friday, in fact.

I really like this comment made by one of my readers, Terra, and since blogger doesn't give me an e-mail along with a comment, I couldn't ask her permission so I am hoping she doesn't mind me quoting her.
On a side note, I can't tell you how sad it makes me, on so many levels, to hear the commenter say that they would let fear keep them from going to a gym class. I don't even know where to start with that, it makes me so angry that this is what the human race has come to, that our collective self-esteem has plummeted so much. If we can't even get over fear of the GYM, for god's sake... we're in serious trouble. And of course, our children see us being afraid, and letting apprehension dictate our actions, and they learn that it's okay to let fear keep us from doing whatever seems a little difficult at first. Sad.

I totally agree.

I know that I have asked my own mom to come to a class with me, and she said she would be "too embarrassed."

Seriously you guys. I think it bears repeating: DO NOT let fear, or embarrassment keep you from going to the gym or a class.

Trying new things is hard.
But what is your health worth?

When I fell off the ball at the gym, or when I face-planted on the bench while doing push-ups....guess who saw?


Everyone is so busy sweating their guts out, holding the correct form, and trying to push THEMSELVES that they could give a rats butt less about what you are doing.

It's true.
And I can't say enough good about going out to attend an actual class.
I would never push myself that hard at home.
Right next to the TV and a puffy comfy couch...are you kidding?
So please, please, don't let my comments, or your perception of what "other people might think" keep you from trying something new.

Okay, off my soapbox.


Deneen said...

Ok were you talking to me? LOL I am actually not afraid of going to the gym I was trying to be sarcastic too but as you can see I am no good at it LOL. Wish I could go to the gym in the mornings though as it's not so crowded but with work the only time I can go is right after and then it's way too crowded and you can't get on the equipment. But I do love the treadmill at home!

laura vegas said...

no, no deneen ... i think they were talking about ME! lol! mine was said in sarcasm also ;) my real reason for never trying the gym, in all honesty ... lack of money and time. no money for gym membership. working 11 hour days in my home, husband works nights, sidejobs for each of us, girls have all their activities ... just no time to spare. i know it comes off like a lazy excuse ... but sometimes, people really can't swing it.

but i totally get what you're saying shaunte (and your reader). can still appreciate what you're preachin to us and love you for it!

Lora3677 said...

well... i agreed with both of you... so it could also be me. HA! I actually belonged to the gym for a while... but just didn't keep up with it... it took too long to get there and back and finding time became difficult...

Amy Sorensen said...

When I first started taking classes I really was afraid. It is always hard to step into something new when you don't know the social rules yet. Especially when you're like me and have to go by yourself. It was REALLY hard for me to go that first time. And, in fact, I've been avoiding the new spin class for that very reason. What if, I like, take someone else's bike? or do something wrong?

BUT you're so right: no one is paying attention to anything other than themselves.

especially in Yoga class where I think 90% of everyone's effort is spent trying not to fart.

Did I just type that?!? LOL, you know it's true if you've done Yoga!!!

laura vegas said...

amy ... that was hilarious! i'll have that vision in my head anytime i think of yoga now. lol!