Friday, January 16, 2009

Not going back.

Last week I tried my first Yoga class.

Remember, that class was in the gym at the church.
I survived it.
It was only a half hour long.
And I kinda liked it.
I felt all stretchy and relaxed.

So Ponica talked me into trying the Yoga class at the gym. The real gym, not the church gym.

The gym Yoga class is a full hour.
I was a dummy, cause I went to an hour long pump class before Yoga.
I really like pump class.
I thought I could do both.
Boy, I am seriously shorting out in my brain lately.

So I was early for Yoga, cause I was already in the gym post-pump.
I grab a Yoga mat, and lay one out for Ponica who was meeting me over there.

I had to take my shoes and socks off.
Lucky for me, I had painted my toenails this week.
They were glittery! and purple!, and matched the yoga mat.
I had good toe self-esteem.
I think that is important for Yoga.

The regulars for the class started coming into the gym.
They had their own mats.
They wore Teva's and stretchy Yoga pants.
They had long flowing hair, pulled back into ponytails.


The girls that came in, were very earthy.
They smelled like incense.
No one else had painted toenails.

When they came in, they immediately started stretching.
Some dude/lady was doing hand-stands.

The teacher came in and put the music on.
Turned out all the lights.
The class went on.
And on.
Annnnnd onnnnnn.

My stupid mat was slippery, and I was already shaky in the shoulders from doing pump class. I almost face-planted during "downward dog."

I was super glad it was dark.

Finally, towards the end of class, the teacher had us all lay down on the mat in the "corpse" pose, for a cool-down. I guess? Not sure what it is called in Yoga.

Anyway, she started counting off our breathing.
In for two, out for six. In for two, out for six...

And then she said something like "stop breathing?" The whole class was just laying on their mats like they were asleep, or maybe dead. For a long time.

Then she rings this chime, and I am not kidding you...the whole class, rolled over on their sides, still asleep. Or maybe in a trance.

Then about five minutes later, she chimes the bell again, and they all immediately sit up into the lotus position. Like a cult of zombies.

Ponica said the chimes are because some people really do fall asleep, and they have trained their sub-conscious to listen for the chimes.
The first one is like a snooze button, I guess?

Yoga is for weirdies.


laura vegas said...

this is why i would never walk into a gym class (let alone the actual gym!) ... i would feel so out of place not knowing all the moves and what to do. lol! i give you credit for trying it out though! and it makes for humorous blog posting!

Cori Henderson said...

I have to agree! I've never been to a Yoga class, but what were you thinking going after pump!?! I can barely make it out to the car after pump!

Wendy Lojik said...

I am totally with Laura!

Deneen said...

Oh heck no definately not for me LOL. Although if I wasn't so worried about what people think of me I might actually like going to the gym until that time comes I'll stay home!

Kim said...

Try Pilates. Not so many weirdos. Don't do it after pump, though. You might die.

Amy Sorensen said...

yeah...pump + yoga? I'm betting you're seriously sore!!! I agree with Kim, pilates is awesome. Although, I bet if you tried it a few more times, without going to pump first, you'll like it. Embrace your inner weirdie!!! ;)

Lora3677 said...

HA! That's why i won't do a gym class... I want Wii Fit! HA!

Anonymous said...

I think you've just had some bad luck - I've attended yoga regularly for ten years, and never had anything strange like what you just described, or the previous week.

try and see what you think. Those are great classes, and no weirdness.

On a side note, I can't tell you how sad it makes me, on so many levels, to hear the commenterl say that they would let fear keep them from going to a gym class. I don't even know where to start with that, it makes me so angry that this is what the human race has come to, that our collective self-esteem has plummeted so much. If we can't even get over fear of the GYM, for god's sake... we're in serious trouble. And of course, our children see us being afraid, and letting apprehension dictate our actions, and they learn that it's okay to let fear keep us from doing whatever seems a little difficult at first. Sad.

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA! OMG, too funny!