Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Going Green

We planted a garden this year.

We skipped the past couple of years, cause let's be honest...Sam and I are not really yard work lovin' people.

In fact, AstroTurf was made for folks like us.

This year, we wanted to teach the kids a little something about being self-reliant, and maybe eat some vegetables that don't come out of a metal can.

Can you explain to me, though, why I paid $1.47 for carrot SEEDS, that may or may not even grow, when I can buy a bag of pre-peeled and cut baby carrots for $1.99?

Likewise, I paid $2.47 for a pack of PEAS.
When they eventually grow, I will need to pick them, wash them, and shuck them for approximately 2 hours to get a bowl full of green peas that I could pay 99 cents for, frozen, at the grocery store.

I know we are growing more than vegetables.
We are growing children, or something poetic like that.


Lisa said...

Bring on the tin cans and frozen peas...I HATE gardening!

Leslie said...

I've been a lurker to your site for awhile and I just have to leave a comment to say you are SO funny!!! Seriously!!! Everytime I read your posts I LOL! BTW-I found your through Laura V's site :)

Kim said...

I planted a garden for the same reason. However, I've discovered a flaw in the plan. If you let the kids in the garden, they pull or step on all of the vegetables-- hence, they don't really learn that law of the harvest thing. If you don't let them in, you do all of the work, they won't eat vegetables anyway, and they think that the law of the harvest means that mom works and tries to make them eat salad.

I'm ready to find someone with horses and pay them to let my kids shovel crap just so they learn what it feels like to work.

Heather said...

Better you than me - there are no green thumbs over here!

Lora3677 said...

We planted a garden this year too... Callie is excited about it and so are we. OH... the reason...because fresh veggies grown in your garden taste SO MUCH BETTER than the tin cans. :) There IS a difference.

Elder Cooper Smith said...

You are I are so diffent on this matter. I love to garden and I don't let my kids do it. It is my PLEASURE to wander into the garden for my peace and sanity away from the kids and to pull a weed or two or sit down and eat the peas as they ripen. YUM

Christina said...

I am not a gardner either! BUT this year, I am trying to grown cherry tomoatos in a pot! I am deathly afraid of worms.
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Penny said...

I tried to grow watermelons down here one year and they ended up costing me $30 per watermelon!!!