Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A true story.

Once upon a time, a well-intentioned lady made baked beans for lunch.
These were to go with the marinated chicken breasts, barbecued to perfection.
The lady had a husband.
The husband liked the beans.
"Those are good beans!" he said.
"Thank you." she replied.
(Burying the Bush's can deep into the trash, as she had previously always served homemade beans from her grandma's recipe file.)
Fast forward to dinner.
"Are there more of those good beans?" the husband hungrily asked.
"Why, yes!" the beaming lady cried.
And served him up a healthy portion.
Fast forward to bedtime.
The husband filled the house with toxic farts.
The lady died.

The End.


cl said...

ha ha! you are too funny! that makes me reconsider the can of baked beans i was going to serve tomorrow night. the deadly stench might not be worth the tasty beans!

Kim said...

Nice. We've been having that problem at our house-- ours was caused by a sale on Fiber One bars.

Amy Sorensen said...

Ha!I wish I could pin the dh's deadly farts on just beans. But holy cow: everything gives him gas.

I did not realize this about him when I married him.

I might have reconsidered.


In other words: I am with you, sistah!

Meg said...

That happens at my house all the time, except it can be any kind of food. I'm thinking about serving water for dinner tonight. Last night our dog got up and left the bedroom. You know it's bad when an animal that eats poop can't handle it.

Elder Cooper Smith said...

I know how this lady feels. I make a bad batch of beans myself and everyone wants me to bring them to the parties. But I pay for it later on that night or the next day. UGHH!

Cammi said...

LOL! that's awesome :)

Peg Graham said...

Is Sam's Motto: beans, beans they're good for your heart! the more you eat, the more you fart. the more you fart, the better you feel. so, eat your beans at every meal!


FifthAvenueGirl said...

I just happened upon your blog today and I have to say this entry made me laugh out loud!! Probably because I can relate so very well... Keep up the excellent writing. :)