Monday, June 02, 2008

The First Ice Cream Truck Man--Stereotyping at its best.

Ice Cream Truck drivers are creepy.

I don't know if you have them where you live, or not, but here in suburban Utah they are alive and well.

They are usually men.
The one today was sporting a nice porn-stache.

I don't care what you say about your great uncle Marvin who was the nicest guy that made an honest living doling out overpriced popsicles to neighborhood kids.

I still think pedophile.


Mag Family said...

I'm going to have to agree with you on this. Jeff will not allow the kids anywhere near the ice-perv.

Mirm said...

I am so glad you took my advice and blogged about the creepy icecream truck. Today he went up our street, turned around and came back. He did this three times... That totally freaked me out.

laura vegas said...

we have lots of ice cream trucks around here. but the funniest is the lady on an ice cream bike. she pulls this huge cart on the back of her bike. but she never rides the bike (probably because it's so darn heavy) ... just walks it around the neighborhood all day long. i have never actually let my girls get anything from an ice cream truck before. i know we did it when we were kids ... but just seems wierd now. lol!

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

We totally bought ice-cream from him yesterday. I made Jenica buy some too- then last night Jon and Mike got mad and told us not to it again. It freaked them out.

Jen Gallacher said...

Thank you! I have always thought this of the ice cream guy. Creepy to say the least!! :(

Amy Sorensen said...

OMG. This made my DAY. I hate, hate, HATE and detest and loathe and despise the *$(&#@ ice cream man. I'd rather hear anything other than that truck and its blaring, distorted music coming up the street. I don't know who would choose that as a career, anyway, and I REFUSE to pay $5 for an ice cream bar. Even though all the other moms on my street will shell it out, I WILL NOT. My kids have stopped arguing about it and know to just head to the freezer.

Geez. You'd think I feel strongly about this or something.

Peg Graham said...

Dude! That guy on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang has ALWAYS creeped, me out! (btw...Benny HIll was the Toy Maker in that movie).

Heather said...

Very creepy video! I live in the middle of nowhere & yet we still have a regular ice-cream dude. He drives a crappily painted old small school bus (you know the ha-ha bus?). Anyways, last year at my ill-fated yard sale he showed up. It was an old dude w/I hope his grandson. They actually looked at my wares & bought lemonade from my nieces (sorry Annette). Strange !