Saturday, April 19, 2008

I survived Spring Break '08!

Gearing up to send the kids back to school bright and early Monday morning.
Can I hear a "WOOT! WOOT!"

We are heading out for our last hurrah this afternoon.

Taking the kids to the Geode beds out west.

I am sure I will have real photos for y'all tomorrow. Not just these that I stole from the 'net.


laura vegas said...

my girls go back to school monday too! yay for me ... i survived a month of them being home! i'll be thinking of you monday!

Amy Sorensen said...

I am anxious to know about the geode beds. That is TOTALLY something my kids would love! Is it a place just anyone can go, or somewhere on private lands? Sounds intriguing! Or, sounds like something I am hoping you post more about!