Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wednesday Share Day

A couple layouts for an online class I was asked to guest design for. You can click on the images to make them bigger. It was a "Scrap Yourself" class, and I am still a little freaked out seeing photos of myself. I don't like them.

Some more Home Decor stuff for Quickutz.
A plate thing. (And a horrible picture, ah well.)

A vahhhhhhhze.
Not a vase.

A vahhhhhze.
An acrylic napkin holder.

And all these projects were brought to you by IKEA.

About the napkin holder, my Brendan saw it, and said "YES! Are we going to have real NAPKINS on the dinner table now?"

Cause, yeah, we currently don't have them out at meal time.

And Brendan is FAMOUS for using his shirt as a napkin. He gets his butt reamed for it. Especially since he and Jayden share clothes and Mr. Anal Retentive(Jayden) doesn't care much for sharing his clothes with the Stainmaster(Brendan). They fight a lot. I suppose if you boil it right down, it's my fault. For not setting out napkins at dinner.

So thank you, Quickutz. For forcing the issue, by assigning me this home decor project. Maybe with the introduction of napkins, peace, love and joy will forevermore abide within the walls of our home.


Anonymous said...

I love the layouts! ...and 2-pagers at that. GO YOU!

...and how can you not use napkins with that many kids? Ava screams "I all sticky Momma" if a piece of something even looks at her.

Mimi said...

Wonderful layouts!

laura vegas said...

love, love the layouts shaunte! i don't do enough layouts about myself either ... should do more. and i too get anxious while sitting still doing nothing ... like during softball practice and games. i'm watching ... and looking at them playing ... and yet i have no idea what's going on because all i can think of is the zillion things i could be doing if i wasn't just sitting there. lol!

Mickey Family said...

you are hot! ...and skinny!!

Wendy Lojik said...

Cuter than cute!