Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I have been hesitant to blog about this one, I think the mixture of me knowing I am a total and complete IDIOT, and also the cold fear of "What if" has been the reason.

I guess all mom's make mistakes, and maybe my experience can make you a little more careful with your own kids.

I was upstairs working in my studio on some projects, I had the window open, cause we had a heat wave and it felt like it was 100 degrees outside. The breeze felt good.

The kids were gone to school, Mikayla downstairs watching a movie, and freshly fed. I had a good couple of hours to work on stuff.

I cranked the music and dug in.

After a while, not sure how long, I came down to the kitchen to get a drink. I hollered at Mikayla. No answer. So I went to the TV room to check on her, and she was gone. I search the house. Nothing. No big deal, she must have went outside. So I get a drink, and go outside to look for her.

The neighborhood is really quiet. I can't hear any kids playing outside. (Most of them are in school.) So I start at her usual places. The next door neighbor, the neighbor across the street, the one around the corner. Nothing.

I walk across the street to see if I can see her at the school, on the playground.

Now I am starting to worry.

I am calling her, and listening for any sound.

Finally I hear a tiny sound. Almost like a kitten, mewing and muffled. And I look, and see some motion. Mikayla is stuck inside my Suburban! Mind you, it was 100 degrees the window were rolled up, it was like a furnace in that thing.

Her poor little face was beet red, and she was covered in sweat. Her cheeks were tear-stained, but she was so exhausted she had long stopped crying. I brought her in and pumped her full of Gatorade, and just rocked her and hugged her, and of course over and over again berated myself for being such a crappy mom.

It was a rough week, to think about what could have happened.

She went out to get her Polly Pocket dolls she left in the Suburban. The door shut, and she couldn't get it back open. I told her if she ever got stuck in a car again, to crawl into the front seat and honk the horn until someone came.

And we lock up now, so she can't get in herself.

Please sit your kids down and talk to them. Sometimes car doors are heavy for even the older ones. (Especially when they have been slightly munched like mine.)


Janet O. said...

Oh frightening! I am so glad everything is OK. Please don't beat yourself up - though I know I would too if I were in your shoes. I am locking my van RIGHT NOW. Thanks.

Cammi said...

oh my goodness! that is so scary and i am so glad your little one is okay. the poor thing! and poor you - you aren't a crappy mom, just a busy one :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that IS scary!! Thank God she was okay! Don't beat yourself up over it, think of it as a lesson learned. Thanks for sharing this...we all hear about this kind of thing happening and never think it will happen to us, but we are only human!!

Candi said...

i am so glad she is okay and that you were there! since we drive a big 'ol honkin' SUV too, you forget how heavy those doors can be! i hope you are doing okay! you are a rockin' mama!

Monica said...

omg thats so scary! but i'm so glad you found her!!
you are certainly NOT a crappy mom.

Amy said...

Thank God all is well... There is something to be said about that little voice inside of us that knows when something isn't right.

{Susan...Seriously.} said...

hugs to you. i have the habit of keeping my home doors and car doors locked, but my dd (3) has discovered how to unlock both locks on the home doors. we so need to get a chain or hotel lock and put that out of reach of the kiddos. thanks for the reminder. good advice on blowing the horn...i'm definitely passing that along to the kiddos.

Anonymous said...

how scary for you shaunte. so glad to hear she's ok. and don't think you're a bad mom ... we all live and learn sometimes. my youngest locker herself in my husbands work truck when she was about 2 yrs old ... with the keys inside. and it was super hot too. we had the huge fire engine come to rescue her!

demicmic said...

That is horrible. I got cold chills reading that. I hope you are both feeling better.

We learned this too with our new van. The sliding doors have a tricky way to open them from the inside. My niece went to get something out, closed the side door and couldn't figure out how to open them. She honked the horn for us to come and let her niece??? She was 35 at the time.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Shauntae, that IS terrifing! I'm so glad she is fine. HUGS to both of you...I so know that sinking guilty-mommy feeling, even though rationally you know it was just something that happened. I'm totally teaching my kids the honk the horn thing!

All8 said...

I'm so glad that she's okay. It's so scary to think about. That's a good idea with the horn. Give her big hugs. Hope that you get feeling better soon. (((HUGS)))

Mickey Family said...

Wadley!!!! How scary. SOOO SOOO SOOO happy everything is ok. Give M a little hug from me and her "best friend" Hope!

Lora3677 said...

wow... glad she is okay. You are NOT a crappy mom. locked car doors are a good idea.

Laura said...

That is scary...but, it happens. Don't feel bad about it...we all have our moments of feeling like a bad mom. But, we love our kids...we are just human.