Saturday, September 15, 2007

lots to say

But man! have I been text heavy on the blog lately...

I will be quick today.
My first weigh-in with Weight Watchers.
Down 2.8 pounds! WOOT! WOOT!
I prefer to think of it in butter. That is 10 cubes of butter. Gone.

In other news...
My sister, who is pregnant with twins, is being induced TODAY! Bless her heart (and 45inch waist!) she just found out she has a clotting disorder, and they will be unable to give her an epidural or any type of pain medication. On the off chance that she will need a cesarean, they will just have to knock her out cold.

So if you think you are having a bad day, you could be delivering twins...naturally.

We had a church party the other night, which is a post in itself, but since occasionally I have ward member read the old blog (Hey, Bishop Everett!) I will keep my opinions to myself, and just say that our neighborhood has some interesting talents.

A few minutes before I had to go over to the church to set-up, I was herding the kids into the house, to scrub them up to go out in public. Brendan came in with a big slab of mud on the side of his face.
"What the crap, Brendan! Go clean up, we have to GO!"
"But, Mom, I got stung by a bee." (Explains the mud, does it really take the stinger out? Has anyone ever verified that on Mythbusters?)
"Well, go wash up."

And we get to the party, and I am setting stuff up, and randomly mingling, and Brendan interrups to to say:
"Mom, you really need to look at this."
"Okay, hold on a minute, 'kay?"

A few more minutes go by, and Brendan is back, with his hand over his eye.
"Mom, seriously. You need to see this!"

So I follow him into a dark corner of the building, and he takes his hand away from his eye....


Guess who is allergic to bee stings?
So I did what any good, and caring parent would.

I went out in the Suburban and got him some sunglasses.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing!
Funny thing is... I could have replaced your cute boy with mine about 2 weeks ago... same eye, too!
It took about 1 week for the swelling to go down. But, that week was so calm as he was pumped full of Benadryl! :)

Mimi said...

Poor guy.

Prayers to your sister!

Mickey Family said...

You make me laugh! Congrats on the 2.8 pounds!!!!!

All8 said...

DD#2 is allergic too. Add Benadryl to your purse and and Epi pen just in case it gets really bad. So much fun! But he's a cute Quasimodo.

Anonymous said...

That's win:

'Mother of the Year'

I thought I held the title, but you have photos to prove it, so I will releinquish it to you. (snort)

btw...why is your Bishop reading your blog? I have lots of jokes now stuck in my head...Getaway, my friend...Getaway.

Anonymous said...

...and this is exactly why I read your blog. :)