Friday, October 03, 2008

Fall anyone?

It is starting to feel a little like fall around these parts.

In fact, tomorrow in between sessions of General Conference, I am going to venture down to the crawlspace and see if any of my Fall decorations survived my purge last year. I threw away a lot of home decor stuff, mostly cause I was sick of looking at it.

I made this pie/cake this afternoon, cause I am still ugly and didn't want to leave the house. So I baked. Oh baby, did I bake.

I made roast beef, cornbread muffins, glazed carrots, homemade mashed potatoes and roast drippings gravy.

And this pie/cake.

I figure I am off the hook for a good week, for putting forth all that effort.
I am JUNE CLEAVER!! But with no cute apron.

I am the heathenish June Cleaver, with tattooed eyeliner.
It is healing up nicely.
But I still have to swab Vaseline on it all day.
So I have to wear my fugly glasses.
No! I am not taking a picture with them. I have posted enough uglies of myself recently. Just use your imagination.

Oh yeah...the recipe.
This recipe has been in our family for years. It always reminds me of fall.
It is like a pie, but with cake for the crust.
You can't go wrong mixing two good desserts.

Pumpkin Pie Cake
1 box white or yellow cake mix (reserve 1 c. of the dry mix, set aside.)
2 T. flour
1 egg
1/2 c. melted butter

Mix together well, and press into the bottom of a greased 9x13 pan.

1 large can pureed pumpkin
2 eggs
1/3 c. brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
2/3 c. milk
1 t. pumpkin pie spice

Mix together well, and pour over crust.

Crumb topping:
1 c. cake mix (the reserved cup)
1/4 c. sugar
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 c. softened butter

Cut together until mixed, and crumble over the top of pumpkin mixture.

Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.

This is so stinking good served slightly warm with vanilla ice cream.
Let me know if you make it.
Your house will smell yummy.


Janet O. said...

Are you SERIOUS? I am RUNNING to the store to make this...holy crap. First the lemonade cookies and other bits of goodness and now this recipe...thanks a lot. heh

Anonymous said...

Oh Shaunte...or um...'June', how mighty delish that sounds. I do love pumpkin...and FALL!

Are you watching GC at home?

Anonymous said...

I love this cake. I've been making it for YEARS and it is, by far, my favorite fall treat. I love it with home-made whipped cream on top. Yummo!

Kim said...

Man. I should have come to your house to eat. We had sandwiches and doritos. Love the pumpkin stuff-- can't believe you gave away the ancient family secret. :-)

Wendy Lojik said...

If your not going to show us pictures of yourself, would you show us the love with the yummy desert.

Paige and Jason said...

I am all about fall smells and fall tastes so I am going to make this for F.H.E. dessert tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.