Monday, October 06, 2008

Thanks to you-

I got this e-mail in my box this morning, from some random guy.

He said that he was wondering if I would be willing to give a testimonial for his product, and a link on my blog.

He felt like I got enough traffic here and that his product would be perfect for the demographics of my blog. He was willing to either pay me, or give me free product in exchange for me posting about it.

I was a little taken back, because:
A: How does he know how many hits I get, and where they come from?
B: His "product" was a natural herbal cure for urinary tract infections.

I deleted it.

Where is Cadbury? Or Burt's Bees?
I pimp them out for F-R-E-E here all the time.

I guess I am glad to know the demographics of my blog.
Y'all keep drinking water, now ya hear?
Keep those kidneys healthy, and all that...


Jennifer Stewart said...


Yeah, where is Mountain Dew???? They owe YOU money. :)


Wendy Lojik said...

I don't remember any blogging about
"uti's" lately.???

Anonymous said...

Too funny oh and I think Weight Watchers owes you big!

Anonymous said...

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa! That is hysterical!!!

Sara said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! All I remember is Mountain Dew & Weight Watchers!!

Lora3677 said...

ROFL! That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I also got emails from people wanting me to endorse their products on my blog...why?, I ask.

Anywho...good idea to not go w/ the UTI products...I'm just sayin'.
