Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I wear my sunglasses at night.

One day, my ultra-conservative mom went to a beauty salon in Provo and had her make-up tattooed onto her face.
She had eyeliner, eyebrows and her whole lips tattooed.

I was in awe and slightly shocked.
This is the same lady that believes that caffeine is a tool of the devil, and gives you "that look" if you choose to partake of it.

I had to brown-bag my Mountain Dew in her house.

So she gets tattooed, right?

And she found out all about it from the little gray-haired ladies she works with at the temple.

Which is even stranger.
The day after she got it done, I am not going to lie, she looked like a cheap day-time hooker. (<---sorry, Laura, I bet your work Internet filter just banned me again.) Her face was puffy and swollen, and the eyeliner and eyebrows were heavy and dark. Think Amy Winehouse.

And her lips!
Oh, her lips looked like Botox gone really bad, and then sunburned to a crisp.

But after five days of swabbing the tattoos with Vaseline, they healed up, and de-puffed and she looked fantastic! And the best part...she didn't have to apply make-up every dad gum day.

She was the poster-child for permanent cosmetics, raved everyday about it and eventually wanted me and all my sisters to experience the freedom of NO! MORE! EYELINER!

So she paid for all of us to go in and have our eyeliner tattooed onto our faces.
We are such heathens.

Again, I am not going to lie to you. It hurt like hell.
It was like having a bee sting you over and over again in the same spot.
And then about ten more times just for fun.
The skin felt raw, and still, she keep stabbing the needle in...

I don't know how I stayed sitting there.

But it was worth it. I admit.
And the best gift my mom has given me.
Well, besides birthing me...
Because for the past nine years? I have not had to apply eyeliner.
And on my days when I don't want to put on any make-up, I still look okay, cause of the eyeliner.

It has started fading out. They say it eventually fades completely.
So today, I am going in to have it re-done.
All of my sisters are.

And my gym-friend Ponica said to me last night "Aren't you afraid they will slip and pop your eye?"

Why, no. I wasn't...BUT NOW I AM!!
So thanks for that, Pon.

Maybe this time I will take some pictures.
And some pain meds.
And then for five days, I am laying low. All puffy and stuff.

So if you see me at the grocery store with big sunglasses on, and think to yourself "It's ten o'clock at night, good gravy! What is with that lady?"

Just sparing you the hideousness.


Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia Europe
thank you

Paige and Jason said...

LOL, good luck with that. My friend just had it done and said it hurt like hell, so PROPS to you for having the bravery to go thru it again.

Anonymous said...

You are so much braver than I ever thought of being!!! Good luck and enjoy the time in hiding!

Shannon said...

I had mine done about 6 months ago. The first time my bottom lashes didn't take so I had to go back and get them done again. Some choice words escaped my mouth the 2nd time because it hurt so bad. But, I'd do it again because I love not having to wear make-up every day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. A cousin of ours has her eyebrows done and they are always perfect and the perfect shade to go with either her dark or light hair. I am too afraid to have it done but by golly she looks great and I am just a little envious. Good luck and hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

All of your levels amaze me! I hope that one day I have a month of my life that is as interesting as your WHOLE life is!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Amy Winehouse Batman! I don't think I'd want the pain for the eyeliner...eyebrows, maybe. (Heck, I have a hard enough time with menstrual cramps!!!)

You're a tough cookie, Shaunte.

Wendy Lojik said...

Enjoy that I will be putting on my dollar store eyeliner and liking it!

laura vegas said...

ok ... how did i miss this post?!?! i read the one with the pics that you posted earlier ... but had no idea why you were getting your eyeliner tatooed on. lol! now i have the back story to it!